
Katy's classes offer both the personal growth along with the energy healing thru me during each of the on-demand classes.  

Quick & Dirty Classes:

  • Releasing Unworthiness
  • (Coming in January) Releasing the Emotions Behind the Weight (Extended Quick & Dirty)
  • (Coming in January) Clearing the Way for What is to Come Quick & Dirty (under 30 minutes)

Collaborations with Renske Skills' Sound Healing

2024, Exit Stage Left, 2025, Enter Stage Right 

Masterclass offerings:

Transmuting Fear & Lack Masterclass

The I AM Class:

The I AM Class is designed to remove all the false beliefs, limiting truths and things others told you that you were at some point in your life that is no longer true for you.  We clear out the old baggage, the old dusty beliefs that are no longer in your highest and best good.  An energy healing is also offered during this class thru me as I teach to accelerate your own transformation from what was to what could be.

This class is currently offered in a small group format. Visit the booking options below to reserve your seat in the I AM live small group class.